Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Times are a changing-good bye Brussels

Hello Friends. Sorry its been so long, but a lot has changed since I've last written:

First, Steve and I are no longer headed to Shanghai as planned. With changes in business needs and restructuring, Cargill no longer needs to send Steve to China. We're disappointed not to be going, as we were both looking forward to the adventure but I'm sure we'll end up there someday. For those who know us we love to travel and even if its just for vacation we will be back to Asia.

Second, instead of Asia we are going to be living the next 6 months in Des Moines, Iowa. In fact we've already moved. Yes, it has been a whirlwind these last couple of weeks. We moved from Brussels to Des Moines in two weeks. We got confirmation on Des Moines the last week of March and were on a plane headed for the US on April 3rd.  The next week was filled with lots of driving, apartment hunting, packing unpacking repacking, and a lot of where do you think x is? ( we've got all of stuff spread over 3 locations).

So as I write this from Des Moines we are starting to settle in, learning where things are and unpacking. Its mind boggling to think that just a few weeks ago we were living in Europe. I of course am sad that the European portion of our adventure is over, but I'm so very grateful for the new opportunities, new friends and fun experiences I've had during the last 6 months. On the flip side, I am looking forward to being Iowa. I certainly know it's not going to be as crazy as Shanghai but Iowa there are things to look forward to here as well. Des Moines has a fabulous farmers market every Saturday just downstairs from our apartment and we are already have plans for an  outdoor concert, the fair and a road trip to Kansas city( mmmm BBQ). Did I mention Iowa is known for their fabulous corn on the cob? I also can't help but think about how easy it is to be back in an English speaking country.

Although Iowa will bring it's own adventures, I suspect it won't be much to write home about. So this will be my last blog post. Thank you so much for following along, I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures as much as I enjoyed sharing my stories. I'm happy to be closer to home, feel free to connect with me via email or Facebook. Thanks everybody!