Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Settling In

First day in Brussels. It's raining which makes it harder to walk around but I found a nice little coffee shop called karsmakers. It's right down the street from our apartment so I have a feeling I'll be a regular. Our apartment is right down the street from parliament which makes it easier to get around the neighborhood as  people are must more accustomed to non French speakers. It also makes for great people watching. For my single friends there are very GQ looking men in suits everywhere. They look like young diplomats. (don't worry Steve, I'm only observing the surroundings) It's both exciting and a little lonely to sit here and listen to everybody speaking French. It sounds like a beautiful language, I just wish I had somebody to chat with too.

I also went to the grocery store today. I say grocery store lightly as it was more like a small market. I felt a little bit like I was in ikea. The place was like a big ring, you go in and only go in one direction. Turning around to go back for anything is like a fish going downstream. I spent a lot of time just looking at things trying to figure out what they were. What I still need to figure out is how to buy milk. I found a section that looked like milk containers but they weren't chilled. Then I found some containers that looked like chilled milk but I wasn't sure what kind they were. In the MN pink milk is usually skim, red is whole etc. Here I've got red or green...and from the little French that I think I can read, there is a good chance this is actually coffee creamer, so I'm going to have to look into that one.

Overall I'm still excited about all of this, it's just taking some time to get settled...

1 comment:

  1. The milk---oh I had forgotten that! None of the milk is chilled here, on purpose, because of the dollhouse sized refrigerators, I think! It's super pasteurized, so you buy it warm, put it in the fridge to chill it for a few hours, and then drink up. It's bizarre. I still have no idea if I'm buying 1%, 2%, whole milk or buttermilk until I get home, but the 'blue' caps seem to be about right. Welcome to Belgium friends!! We're happy you're here! :)
