Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Always thirsty

Since we've moved to Brussels, I have found that I am always thirsty (and no, this is not an excuse to drink more Belgium beer).

There are a couple of reasons for me always being thirsty. First, regardless of where you are nobody will give you tap water, they will only sell you bottled water, even in restaurants. Second, I am stubborn and can't quite bring myself to buy bottled water when the tap water is clean and equally delicious.

My fork is bigger than my Coke, that's not right...
Since I refuse to pay for bottled water when we go out to eat I'll order a pop/soda instead. I am still getting used to the idea that everything in the States is super sized, because I am still disappointed every time my drink comes to the table. There are no free refills (of course) and the pop comes in a bottle...a very small bottle with a very small glass.  I've also taken  a cut in my coffee intake, I have to order a large here to match up to what a small was at the Starbucks or Caribou back home.

There is a benefit to not drinking as much, and that is not having to go to the bathroom as much either. There is no such thing as a public bathroom here. If you're eating at a restaurant, they may or may not have a bathroom. If they do its in the basement. For some reason that freaks me out. Every time I walk down the stairs I feel like I'm either a) in the wrong place b)going to get yelled at, or c) walk into a cult meeting.

Otherwise, you have to pay to use the bathroom. I've had to pay to use the bathroom at the train station, a concert that we went to, even the McDonalds(don't judge me, I wanted some fries) asks you to pay to use the bathroom. Its about 0.40 to 0.50 euros each time, so about $0.60 to $0.75. I'm going to have to add a line item to my budget labeled "Pee money"


  1. even more than the small drinks, what I always miss most is ICE! apparently, drinking your liquids cold is an "american" thing!

  2. "walking into a cult meeting" made me laugh out loud, Mary! SO true!! :)
